Just yesterday, I am so over upset dealing with my own feelings and emotion regarding him again..
But a friend came by visit, we had discussion.
And ever since him, whom sent by God talked to me, I am me again ^_^ The happy go lucky girl ^_^
Well, if you could see your own situation now, or someone talk to you in a clearer picture, you will be ok.
The problem I had I screwed it till the end.
I screwed it so tight until it became so hard for me to unscrew it back.
I wanted to unscrew it, trying very hard on my own but it just did not work.
Until the messenger from God came.
He shared with me many things.
Why do i wanted to think so much?
He said:" Like someone is something beautiful and happy, no matter in secretly u like him, u like him, does not mean have to be together with him."
I guess he is rite, I guess I have asked too much
I guess I have forgotten bout this ^_^
Like him does not have to be together..
He shared with me also, why God created Eve later than Adam.
God has a purpose, intelligent reason for everything He do.
I am happy today, for I live again..
Relay for life, celebrate for life..
P.s. for all cancer patients- what came by it may be a disaster or turning point in life, but do not forget, you have hope as long as you are still living. Do not forget God is ready to wait to listen to help if you just have to ask ^_^